Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A vote: Who has best facial growth?

Just before Gavin and I left St. Paul for our Dakota road trip, Gavin issued a challenge to Tom and myself: Let's see who can grow the best beard and moustache, he said. All three of us agreed, and here are the results:

Tom, who alone among us, didn't shave AT ALL for a week:

Then there's me, who gave a little shape to the whiskers:

And then there's Gavin, who on the last day of the trip shaved off what had become impressive sideburns and a wisp of a moustache, leaving just a few chin hairs. (Yes we need a magnifying glass.):

So who wins? I'm leaning toward Tom the purist as the only one who didn't shave at all. Look forward to your comments (or emails).

PS: This may be the last or next to last post from this trip, but I'll keep writing as I travel and as I run.


  1. This is from Bill Magee:

    Alright! That's the type of macho contest I like to see!

    I have to give props to Tom. He looks the grungiest and after all, isn't that the point?!

    I'm looking at your photos with baseball stadium scenes in the background and am wishing I could join you. I'm envious.

    Enjoy the life!!

  2. From Richard Donnelly:

    Yours (John) looked like the clear winner. As for Gavin, his virility comes across in different ways.

  3. This from Lois:

    It's hard to tell whether Tom has much growth, nor Gavin, and John's is pretty scruffy. I guess there are no winners -- only losers! (But I don't want to be mean!)
